Ma pensée du moment :
- Je suis unique, comme tout le monde :-)
Mon info : Global Accessibility Map, par Philippe Rivière
by Philippe Rivière
This map has the extremely ambitious objective of representing the “accessibility” of cities. As its legend indicates, the chosen magnitude is, at any point on the Earth's surface, the time of travel to the nearest city. I drew it in a projection designed by John Paul Goode in 1923, using colors reminiscent of relief, and shadows indicating changes in magnitude as if they were variations in altitude. The eye accustomed to topographic maps naturally associates the steeper or (...)
les 71 amis d’Ilies :
- Constance Dufour
- Cédric Gérard
- Lara Durand
- Thomas Le Gall
- Amaury Robert
- Mathys Richard
- Jamel Da Silva
- Hadrien Mathieu
- Shirley Da Silva
- Lucien Gautier
- Gil Pons
- Adam Lefebvre
- Christiane Lebreton
- Abdel Klein
- Adrien Delahaye
- Jean-Michel Perrier
- Tim Boyer
- Brandon Mallet
- Muriel Vallee
- Roman Monnier
- Rosine Royer
- Evann Pineau
- Léa Da Silva
- Achille Lacroix
- Peter Mendès
- Pierre-Emmanuel Durand
- Antony Marie
- Allain Lebreton
- Léo Baudry
- Igor Allain
- Benjamin Dumont
- Roger Moreau
- Maël Martin
- Tommy Adam
- Samuel Chevallier
- Moïse Roussel
- Odette Barre
- Jimmy Marie
- Marie-Anne Rodrigues
- Marc Rodrigues
- Sandrine Sauvage
- Lucien Olivier
- Angèle Guillou
- Florian Olivier
- Léa Dupuis
- Pierre-Yves Henry
- Edwige Hervé
- Eric Laporte
- Alexandra Sanchez
- Noa Legros
- Georgette Ramos
- Oscar Lefebvre
- Mona Guérin
- Clovis Philippe
- Christèle Cousin
- Tony Lecomte
- Janine Lambert
- Théo Pereira
- Marianne Leclerc
- Jean-Noël Jacquet
- Thaïs Maurice
- Daniel Garnier
- Juliette Faure
- Rodolphe Mendès
- Léna Etienne
- François-Xavier Delattre
- Daphné Lemaire
- Armel Paul
- Latifa Cousin
- Logan Camus
- Sixtine Guérin